Hand Knotted and Hand Tufted Rugs April 08 2016

We have been asked what exactly is the difference between Hand Knotted and Hand Tufted rugs.

Hand Knotted rugs are hand made by skilled craftsmen using a knotting technique where by each strand of wool attaches the weft to the warp to create the pile of the rug. Each rug is unique.

Hand Tufted rugs are made using a hand held 'tufter' which injects individual strands of wool through a backing cloth.  The closer the tufts are together, the higher the density of the pile.

Hand Knotted rugs tend to be more expensive as this method of production is very time consuming.  The thickness or density of the pile in both types of manufacture will also affect the final costs.

Hand Tufted Rug

Hand Knotted Rug - Alpha AL Natural by Think Rugs (Above)

Hand Tufted Rug - Fusion by Think Rugs